We Are Huntingdon. We Are Family.

一旦你收到十大菠菜靠谱平台的录取通知书, you will submit a deposit in order to confirm your intention to enroll, secure your financial aid offer, and hold your place in the entering class.

Admitted Student Checklist

FAQ – Deposited Students

Enrollment Forms

Enrollment Deposits

入学保证金适用于学生在十大菠菜靠谱平台入学的第一学期. 如果在5月1日之前提出书面申请,押金将被退还. 在线提交您的注册存款或通过USPS发送.

Deposit Amounts

  • Campus Residents: $250.00
  • Commuters: $200.00


Huntingdon College Office of Admission
1500 E. Fairview Ave.
Montgomery, AL 36106

最终成绩单必须直接从你的高中或大学邮寄到十大菠菜靠谱平台招生办公室, and must be received before Orientation.

Campus Residents

Commuter Students

All Incoming Students

  • New Health Software system coming soon! 一旦启动,我们会联系你. 
  • 家长沟通及资料表格-必须由传统走读学生的家长填写(仅限受抚养学生).

Home Sweet Huntingdon Open Houses

for Deposited Students

温馨的十大菠菜靠谱平台开放日是为寄存的学生留出的特殊日子,让他们在新的学院家里享受一些时间. 日程安排允许你(欢迎你的家人), as well) to share a meal in the dining hall; put on comfy walking shoes and tour the campus and residence halls; meet some of your new classmates; talk with current students, faculty, and coaches; and ask any questions you’d like to ask. Relax and make yourself at home! Please choose one of the available dates2023年6月21日星期三,或2023年7月12日星期三.  参加Home Sweet Huntingdon活动也会帮助你在秋季学期有一个良好的开端, 完成大部分的文书工作,省去一些办理登机手续的步骤. Don’t miss HSH!


迎新活动一般在秋季开学前一周的周四到周日举行. 2023迎新日期将于2023年春季公布.

Required of all incoming students, 十大菠菜靠谱平台的迎新计划允许你在课程开始前安顿下来. More information coming soon!

如果您有任何疑问,您的入学顾问将很乐意帮助您: (334) 833-4497admission@hawks.walletyer.com.


  • Session II: July 23, 2020

Before Orientation

  • Be sure you have submitted all of the Enrollment Forms 至少在您的培训课程前一周在线,并支付您的 Enrollment Deposit.
  • 收集你的入学文件的实体副本(特别是经济援助), health forms, etc.)


  • Proof of immunization
  • 政府签发的带照片的身份证件或有效的驾驶执照
Registration for this event is closed. 视频和会议链接将于6月17日(星期三)通过电子邮件发送给注册与会者.

Huntingdon Residence Halls

2020 Check-In Schedule


  • Schedule to be posted. Please check back!
  • Schedule to be posted. Please check back!
  • Schedule to be posted. Please check back!

在秋季开学前的周五和周六上课, 大红周末是新生的强制性活动,强烈鼓励转学生参加, both residents and commuters. BRW为新生提供了许多活动,包括I的分发.D. cards, laptop computers, and books and information resources;  academic information sessions; social and service events; and time to get to know your classmates and your college home. 新住校学生(还没有因为秋季运动或其他活动而入住的学生)在BRW的周五搬进他们的宿舍.

Student Resources

Houghton Library

First Day of Classes

Spring 2023: Monday, January 9


你已经花了你的学生的整个生命准备他或她的下一步. 感谢您信任十大菠菜靠谱平台作为您学生的学院之家.

在十大菠菜靠谱平台,每个学生的成功是我们所做的一切的焦点. 正如您所看到的,我们可以改善我们的服务或提供您在我们的网站上找不到的信息, please let us know at news@hawks.walletyer.com. 如果您想收到学院发给传统走读学生家长的重要信息, please take a moment to complete the 家长沟通及资料表格. Also see our helpful reference list 我们通常联系这些办事处的原因,以帮助回答您可能遇到的任何问题.
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